Whether it be at home or in the workplace, over the years, people spend the most of their time indoors. Over the course of many years combined with multiple factors has resulted in a steady risen in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) or Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) issues and/or complaints. While mold is certainly an IAQ issue and often the first item people blame for an IAQ issue there are many other stressors or hazards that can trigger an IAQ/IEQ problem. These stressors can be biological or chemical in nature, lack of building ventilation or HVAC issues, temperature & relative humidity and even building materials. Of course within a manufacturing environment there are their own set of hazards that can result in exposure concerns from many constituents that are often unique to that specific environment.

Having the right Indoor Environmental Professional (IEP) that has specific, education, training and certifications such as a CIEC, Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), or Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) professional are essential to assess and deal with IAQ/IEQ/IH related issues. More specifically identify and assess the specific stressor, develop an appropriate building or personnel sampling strategy, and develop a corrective action plan. Our experts here at LBS contain the appropriate education, training, and experience to address most any IAQ/IEQ/IH related issue. Some of the additional indoor environmental issues we address are listed below. Please contact LBS’s to discuss your needs and how we are able to help. Some of the services provide are listed below:

Biological Contaminants

Mal-Odor Assessments

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s)

Work Place IAQ Evaluations

Hazard & Risk Assessments

HVAC Evaluations

Ventilation and HVAC Air Flow

Spray Foam Insulation (SPF) Issues


Soot – Fire and Candle Burning
